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Who Are You in Bed?

Are you playful during sex? Do you like to play games, dress up, flirt? If this is your idea of fun, you're probably familiar with

Are you someone who likes to push the boundaries, challenge what society has taught you about sex, see what you can get away with? If this turns you on, chances are you've met

Do you revel in the sheer bodily pleasure of sex?  Do you focus your sexual energies on achieving a fantastic orgasm? If you do, you've enjoyed

Do you like to play with dramatic tension in the bedroom? Hare you experienced fantasies of playing with power or bondage? If so, you've encountered

Do you and your partner like to talk about sex? Have you ever revealed deep, dark secrets about your sexuality? If you have, you've been visited by

Have you ever helped your lover over a difficult sexual hurdle, and rejoiced to see the sparkle return to your partner's eyes? If so, you know what it's like to be in the role of

Have you and your mate ever made love with your minds, bodies, and souls...deep in the cosmos...with the entire universe present? If you have, you know

Do you prefer low-key cuddling and snuggling with your mate? If you do, your "home" archetype might be

Can you play your lover like a Stradivarius? If you're adept at all these archetypes--a sexual maestro--you're lucky enough to know

In 9 Secrets to Bedroom Bliss, you'll lean who you are in bed, and who your lover is as well. Better yet, you'll both learn how to play all nine of these roles, setting the stage for a fabulously fulfilling and exciting sex life!

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